Sunday, April 1, 2012

Menu Plan–April 1st

Oh, friends – can I just say, “God is Good!”  Last week was a really tough week for me, and through some wonderful conversations and lots of prayer, God greatly encouraged me.  Praise God!  When weeks are busy and tough, I am so thankful for the blessing of a menu plan.  Even though we didn’t eat everything we had planned, having something in place made dinner that much easier. 

This week is another short teaching week for me; we have Good Friday off!  This is great news, especially since we’re hosting Easter dinner. 

English Muffin Bread, cherry blueberry preserve
Crockpot Ziti, Green Beans

Wheat Buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes
Mixed Roasted Veggies & Pasta

Granola and Yogurt
Italian Sausage Tortellini with Spinach & Mushrooms {new}

Granola and Yogurt

Leftover Wheat Buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes
Chicken Zucchini Burgers, Pickles

Blueberry Cinnamon Rolls
Baked Vegetable Sandwiches, Sweet Potato Fries

Broccoli Beef {new}, Brown Rice

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Glad to hear you are doing much better through support. Thanks for the recipe ideas.
    I have a full blown cold right now, so easy menu planning is so important. :)

  2. All the time!!
    I love the meal plan on busy weeks. Somehow it brings peace to my chaotic world. Praying this week is better as we journey to the cross and prepare to celebrate the resurrection.

  3. Love all those blueberry recipes you've got listed this week - sounds delicious!

    I'm so glad God wrapped you in His loving arms this week! Blessings for a good week this week! ((hugs))

  4. God IS good, especially to put people in our path who can talk us through and pray with and for us! Enjoy your Easter week. He is risen indeed!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.