Sunday, September 15, 2013

Menu Plan–September 15

And, we’re back for another week!  Last week was really busy here, and once again I found myself thankful for my menu plan.  Although we ended up re-arranging Monday and Tuesday nights, all ended up well. 

Our hit for the week went to Ratatouille.  We love this dish and it’s so simple and flavorful.  Now that our eggplant is starting to produce fruit, this one will be on our menu again soon. 

The best dessert of the week went to our stand-by vanilla ice cream.  We topped it with the last of our raspberry rhubarb preserve and when that ran out, graham crackers and dark chocolate chips.  Yum.

We also tried a new crockpot recipe for manicotti and it was wonderful.  That recipe is coming soon. 

This week, here’s what we’re planning to enjoy:

Leftover Tomato, Mushroom & Kale Oven Omelet {new}
Leftover Pasta with Sausage and Mozzarella {new}

To do: Thaw Italian sausage (if we don’t have any leftover; reserve half for Friday)

Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal
Sweet Potato Risotto, Green Beans
Baked Apples with Vanilla Ice Cream

To do: Thaw chicken

Granola & Blueberries
Summer Vegetable Tian {new} with Grilled Maple BBQ Chicken {new}
Dessert – Apple Wraps {new}

To do: Thaw ground beef/turkey, prep veggies

Zucchini Bread {freezer}
Crockpot Sloppy Joe’s, Pickles

To do: Nothing!

Granola & Blueberries
Grilled Vegetable Quesadillas or White Bean Quesadillas {new}

To do: Thaw Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread French Toast {new}

To do: Nothing!

Cinnamon Rolls {either Apple or Whole Wheat}
Zucchini Maple Sausage Pie

To do: Make foods for the week

Dark chocolate cherry granola bars
Indoor S’mores

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking your granola bars! I have been on the hunt for a homemade chewy granola bar. I tried a recipe with peanut butter as the binder last week, but they ended up too crunchy and too crumbly for my liking. This is the first I've seen sweetened condensed milk used as a binder, but I think it'll work perfectly. Can't wait to try it out!


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