Sunday, June 1, 2014

Menu Plan–June 1

Last month, I tried a new strategy: menu planning monthly.  I sat down during my typical menu planning time, and instead of just choosing foods for 1 week, I picked them for four. 

When I menu plan, I open all the recipe sources and read through them trying to decide what family favorite recipes we want to eat, and which new ones we want to try.  Inevitably, I “flagged” more recipes than I ended up needing, and therefore spent extra time in the menu plan than I needed. 

Last month, I saved all those recipes I found and arranged them into a monthly menu plan.  So, in roughly the equivalent amount of time, I had 4 weeks planned!  I wasn’t sure how I would like it (would I need to change a lot of recipes, etc.), but it turns out I loved it!  And, it made such a difference in my attitude about menu planning too :) 

So, here’s to the start of our June menu: 

Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal
Pasta & Zucchini {for our Life Group BBQ!}
To do: Thaw ground turkey

BBQ Turkey Meatloaf, Steamed Veggies
To do: Groceries!

To do: Make bread

BLTs with Roasted Tomatoes
To do: Thaw chicken

Crockpot Chicken & Sweet Potatoes with Pasta {new}, steamed veggies
To do: Thaw Canadian bacon

Grilled Pizza
To do: Nothing!

Grilling, corn, etc. 

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. I love to meal plan monthly. I did it before we moved to Korea and plan on doing it after. It's a little harder to do here. When we move back to the States I want to buy this great planning tool.

  2. It all sounds yummy! I'm thinking the grilled pizza especially ;)

  3. I always meal plan monthly. Otherwise I run out of tasty things to eat when I'm out of money at the end of the month. Hello from Menu Plan Monday.


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