Sunday, October 19, 2014

Menu Plan–October 19

You know those weeks when you have something scheduled every night?  We’ve had about three of those in a row!  Menu planning is the only reason we have kept eating well and not had grilled cheese or chips and salsa for dinner every night. 

I love coming home knowing what I need to make for dinner, with all the necessary ingredients there.  Better yet, I love coming home when my crockpot has made dinner for me.  Those are the best nights. 

Here’s to another week of eating well:

Honey Whole Wheat Bagels with Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese {new}
Crockpot Italian Turkey Sandwiches, Brussels sprouts
To do: Thaw chicken legs, bake acorn squash, dice celery

Pumpkin Spice Granola
Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken Legs, Acorn Squash, Leftover Brussels Sprouts
To do: Nothing!

Honey Whole Wheat Bagels with Fried Eggs
Grilled Pizza
To do: Thaw pizza crust, dice extra bell peppers

Leftover Whole Wheat Buttermilk Waffles {freezer}
Unstuffed Pepper Casserole, Peas or Green Beans
To do: Thaw Italian sausage in the AM, make extra brown rice, thaw chicken

Pumpkin Spice Granola
Chicken, Cheddar and Wild Rice Soup
To do: Thaw squash puree

Leftover Whole Wheat Buttermilk Waffles {freezer}
Roasted Butternut Squash Lasagna
Apple Cinnamon Spice Ice Cream
To do: Thaw Italian sausage, make ice cream

Pumpkin Pancakes with Apple Topping
Lazy Day Casserole
To do: Prep for Laurie’s Shower!! 

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cranberry Bread
Kale Chips

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.