Sunday, February 22, 2015

Menu Plan–Feb. 22

Thank you for all your sweet welcome messages for our little girl!  I was overwhelmed by all your lovely comments both here on the blog and on our Facebook page!  Thanks for all the love. 

Our little girl is one month old today!  I can’t believe how fast time is flying by.  She’s doing super well, and has brought so much joy into our lives. 


Frog Prince went back to work part time last week, and I realized how hard it is to accomplish much of anything with a newborn!!  I was very excited to have made homemade pizza on Friday night. 

I tried a new dessert recipe that looked fantastic … total flop.  Really.  But, on the plus side, it’s good chocolate soup! Just keeping it real.

Here’s what’s on the menu this week:

Whole Wheat Waffles, Apple Topping
To do: Thaw lasagna, measure out dry ingredients for bread sticks

Breakfast Burritos (freezer; new)
Veggie Lasagna (freezer), Olive Garden Bread Sticks (bread machine)
To do: Thaw chicken, make cookies

Orange Cranberry Muffins (freezer)
Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies (Life Group Dessert)

Waffles and Apple Topping
Rotisserie Chicken in the Crockpot, Crockpot Baked Potatoes
To do: Make broth

Granola with dried cherries
Chicken Noodle Soup with Homemade Noodles
To do: make rice, dice extra celery and carrots for soup

Oatmeal with Apples
Chicken Cheddar and Rice Soup
To do: nothing


Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet photo! As far as not being able to get much done with a newborn, I had wonderful advice from a friend's mom--don't do anything while the baby is napping/asleep that you can do while she is awake. In other words, take time to rest. Don't fold laundry, dust the furniture, etc. That really helped me to hear that, and so I try to pass it along! Enjoy and take care!



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