Sunday, October 21, 2012

Menu Plan–October 21

Sitting down over the weekend to plan our menu saves me so much time during the week.  I know we have the ingredients on hand, and I’ve thought ahead about where we’ll be running to and from, so I know the meal I have planned will work that night.

Not only that, but I know what we’re eating for breakfast too, which is huge when you’ve said goodbye to cereal. 

Of course, things change, and inevitably, we do end up shuffling things around; but I wouldn’t enter a week without it!

Our favorite meal last week was one we had not had in ages…. French Bread Pizzas.  So simple and delicious. 

We also tried one of our favorite winter dinners – Lightened Up Loaded Baked Potato Soup in the crockpot!!! And, it worked wonderfully.  Recipe to be updated soon. 

Today was a delightful day with my family – parents, sister & grandparents, where we enjoyed Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake for dessert … trust me, make this one. 

On our menu this week:

Apple Cider Donut Holes, fresh fruit
Lunch with family – we’re bringing Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake!

To Do: Make butternut squash bake, make lunches

Pumpkin Spice Granola
Roasted Chicken Vegetable Spread Sandwiches, carrots
Make-Ahead Butternut Squash Bake, steamed cauliflower & broccoli

To Do: Put together broccoli hotdish, finish chicken stock

Waffles of Insane Greatness {freezer}
Broccoli Hotdish

To Do: Thaw sweet potato puree, dice apples for oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal {new}
Stovetop Pumpkin Mac & Cheese {new, inspired by}, peas & broccoli

To Do: Thaw kielbasa sausage

Pumpkin Spice Granola
Roasted Chicken Vegetable Spread Sandwiches
Brown Rice Bake, Steamed Green Beans

To Do: Thaw muffins {freezer}, dice veggies for soup

Apple Pumpkin Muffins {new}
Cheddar Chicken & Rice Soup

To Do: Make breakfast bread, thaw ribs

Apple Cinnamon Swirl Pumpkin Yeast Bread {new}
Crockpot Cherry BBQ Ribs, Twice Baked Potatoes
Dessert – Gingerbread Pumpkin Bars {new}

Spiced Country Applesauce
Apple Chips

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

Do you menu plan?


  1. You are so organized with your menu planning, friend! It looks like a tasty week at your place!

  2. I menu plan but usually just for dinners. Your carmel apple cake looks wonderful!

  3. Just found your blog from Org Junkie and wanted to say hi! :) I am also doing a Monday Menu link up as well too if you want to link up. :) Have a great day! Erin


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