Sunday, July 11, 2010

Menu Plan - July 11

We didn't have the most fun second week of July.... we were down and out with colds :(   Having a cold anytime is not fun, but three weeks before we move and in the middle of the summer makes it feel even worse.

To top it off... my sister-in-law gave birth to her son on Friday!  This is hugely exciting and we are thrilled for them, but our colds meant that we could not take a trip to visit them because we don't want to spread our germs.

Since this was the last weekend before we move that we were able to schedule a trip, this means we won't get to meet this little guy in person for along time.  :(

The good news is, we're making progress on eating from the pantry!!

Last week, we enjoyed:

{made on the stove top!}

with fresh raspberries
(made with 100% wheat flour, and all applesauce)

Oven Baked Fries

Zucchini and Sausage Pizza

B - Veggie Omelets
Dessert - Rhubarb Cheesecake {new}

D - Wild Rice Hotdish, mixed veggies

D - Leftovers

B - Granola 
D - Spaghetti with homemade sauce, peppers and carrots

D - Leftovers

B - Granola 
D - Vegetable Stir Fry with brown rice

D - Crockpot Swiss Steak, brown rice
Dessert - Ice Cream



  1. Hope you are feeling better! Thanks for all the great ideas. I love visiting your blog!

  2. Wow, you are on top of it! All your food looks fab, especially that cake. How do you substitute applesauce? I always hear people talking about it but dont know what you're subbing it for (oil maybe?) & in what kind of measurements? Thanks again for linking up to Fab Friday!
    Heather @

  3. Dear, Dear SnoWhite...
    I am totally making the blueberry pancakes in the morning and those yummy tortillas stuffed with black beans and carrots and zucchini out of my garden for lunch! Do you make home made tortillas too? And the pancakes with zucchini and carrots will have to come later in the week. A girl can never have too many pancakes! Right?

  4. The menu looks great hope you guys feel better soon, and congrats on your nephew he is too cute!

  5. what a delicious looking meal plan. I like the idea of a breakfast cookie!

  6. Yummmm - your recipes look delicious!

  7. Last week looked very yummy. Congratulations auntie.

  8. You're menu looks great! And those cherry muffins, Yum! I'll have to try the recipe!

  9. I will have to start using the term "hotdish"! Looks like a great week.

  10. Wow--I am seriously impressed that you plan out all of your meals, not just dinner. That is awesome! Thanks for the encouragement on my first menu! :-)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.