Sunday, February 19, 2012

Menu Plan–February 19

We did a pretty good job sticking to our menu plan last week – other than our treat for Bible study.  By the time Wednesday rolled around I was so tired of sweets (birthday cake, ice cream, treats…!) to even think about making my favorite sugar cookie.  Instead, we opted for a double batch of my grandmother’s sugared popcorn – which was a hit! 

The only other change we made to the menu was due to our newly purchased mushrooms being more rotten than a fungus should be on the inside.  No calzones for us this week.  Boo. 

Instead, though, we pulled out some old favorites – a skillet pepper dish with chicken cheese and bacon (center, below), and a chicken pot pie with herby whole wheat biscuits (center bottom, below). 

This week, I hope to try a few more new recipes.  We haven’t made a ton of new dishes recently, so we’re up for something new.

Omelets with ham & bell peppers
Baked Pasta with Broccoli, Ham & Creamy Cauliflower Cheesy Sauce {new}

White Whole Wheat Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes
Chicken Cheddar & Rice Soup, Yogurt Bread {new}

Leftover pancakes

Granola & Blueberries
Leftover soup (freezer)

Granola & Blueberries
Vegetable Soup with Parmesan Dumplings {new}

Chocolate Chip Scones or Muffins {new}
Crockpot Chicken & Mushrooms {new}, brown & wild rice with steamed veggies

Baked Vegetable Sandwiches, Veggie Cheddar Soup

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Looks like a yummy week for y'all!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your menu! I've never had Crockpot Chicken & Mushrooms... sounds good!


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