Sunday, March 22, 2015

Menu Plan–March 22

We are coming up on the end of March… and that means, March Madness!  Go Spartans!  It also means… I head back to work on Friday.  I am excited to see my students again and use my brain in a different way than I have been over the past two months, but I am so sad to be leaving my little one at home! 

To prepare for heading back to work, I spent last Friday doing a big freezer cooking day!  It feels so good to have those meals in the freezer ready and waiting.  This week, I’ll be sharing some posts with how I approach freezer cooking and some recipes that we’ve made that freeze well. 

In addition, I’ve made some changes to how we menu plan as I head back to work.  We plan monthly (I just post weekly so I can find the recipes quickly!), and breakfasts are “you are on your own” with a bunch of items to choose from on hand.  I’ve started listing those breakfast items in front of the menu

Desserts are also unplanned, unless of course I am cooking one for our Life Group.  This leaves room for the spontaneous need for a gooey, chocolate brownie or cookie

On to the menu! 

Breakfast Burritos {freezer, new}
Berry Baked Oatmeal
Whole Wheat Waffles
Orange Zest Cranberry Muffins

Roasted Tomato Soup with Cheese Bread
To do: make ice cream

Baked Veggie Sandwiches with Sweet Potato Fries
To do: Start dough by 3pm, dice fries and keep in cool water during naptime

Rigatoni with Stewed Vegetables
To do: Make dessert for Life Group – Chocolate Fudge Oat Bars

Crockpot Chicken Pot Pie
To do: Start pot pie in the morning

To do: Thaw meatballs and sauce

Friday – back to work!
Meatball Subs or Creamy One-Pot Spaghetti {new}, Green Beans
To do: Nothing!

Lemon Butter Pasta
To do: prepare menu and grocery lists

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

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Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.