Sunday, February 15, 2015

Menu Plan–Feb. 15

While we were away for our daughter’s adoption, we did menu plan.  We stayed in a rental house for nearly 3 weeks and we made close to 100% of our meals while we were there.  It was a huge cost savings, and also a treat to have home cooked food. 

Since we returned, we have relied on some freezer meals, but I have found the need to start menu planning again.  Asking, “what do you want for dinner tonight?” 30 minutes before dinner is not a winning strategy!

So, here’s what we are planning to eat this week:

Whole Wheat Waffles, Apple Topping
Cheese-crusted Lasagna Soup, French Bread

Breakfast Burritos (freezer; new)
Crockpot Meatballs and Spaghetti (freezer)

Orange Cranberry Muffins (freezer)
Calzones and steamed veggies (freezer)

Waffles and Apple Topping
Chicken Stew, Brown Rice

Granola with dried cherries

Oatmeal with Apples
BBQ Chicken Pizza

Crockpot Lentil and Brown Rice Tacos

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. These all sound so delicious! I am new to your blog and am so glad to have discovered it. I am off to check out some of your other recipes.


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