Sunday, February 21, 2010

Menu Plan - Feb. 21

Do you ever just crave comfort food?   Friday night, our fridge had been emptied of leftovers (which was our scheduled dinner) so I made our favorite comfort food -- rice cooker mac and cheese.  It was delicious, warming and comforting and we paired it with steamed broccoli, so it wasn't completely unhealthy.


We were in serious need of some comfort food.  We've been waiting since the beginning of February on the outcome of a job interview at a big research university for my beloved Frog Prince.  And - we're still waiting.  We were initially told they'd make their decision last week... so we're praying hard that we'll know something this week! 

We were really pretty good at staying on our menu plan last week...





This week, we're planning to eat...

Dinner - Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu, asparagus (new)

Breakfast - Sweet Potato Pancakes (new), apple-y syrup
Dinner - Leftovers

Breakfast - Granola

Breakfast - Cinnamon Raisin Toast, pineapple

Dinner - Leftovers

Breakfast - Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffins {freezer}
Dinner - Wild Rice Soup
Treat - Popcorn!

Breakfast - Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls, peaches
Dinner - Crockpot Chicken Parmesan, broccoli
Dessert - TBD


  1. I hope your husband gets the position! I am currently waiting to hear the results of my PhD applications - so I can COMPLETELY sympathize with the waiting/angst!

    Fingers crossed :)

  2. I'm trying so hard to get this menu plan down for my OAMC plan. I'm actually planning 3 months of menus and only doing one at a time (stupid, probably, but that's what I'm doing anyway!)...

    I'd LOVE to get away with muffins for breakfast but I have a "non-muffin eater" in my 5 year old! UGH! Not sure my 10 year old would fill up on that either. What do you do for those pickier ones for breakfast days like that?

  3. It's comforting to know that academic libraries are not the only group within higher education that likes to drag their feet. I applied for a job back in October and finally got an interview this week. At my count, that's over 3 months. I can totally sympathize with the waiting. It's killing me!

  4. @brigusto -- thank you!

    @April -- we always have granola or oatmeal. If we do not want muffins, then that's always an option. We just have two eaters (no little ones yet), so we're pretty easy to please... but the granola fall-back is so wonderful. We also tend to pair muffins with fresh fruit, which also goes well with granola.

  5. I hope Frog Prince hears something really soon, I know how frustrating the waiting can be.

    What a yummy week you have planned.

  6. the picture of that ziti is making me drool!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.