Sunday, January 30, 2011

Menu Plan - January 30

The highlight of this past week was a spontaneous meeting with my best friend, Kim.  

Kim had a lay-over in the airport near my house and I was able to meet up with her for about an hour.  It was a huge blessing.  I miss her dearly -- 6 months has been a long time!  

I also got a wonderful early birthday present from Frog Prince!  Oh... I'm super excited about it and can't wait to share it with you.  Frog Prince was traveling last week for a few days, so I didn't do a whole lot of cooking.  We did enjoy:

{a favorite}

{another favorite}

Crockpot Philly Cheesesteak
{oh, another favorite one too -- Frog Prince loves these!}

Sausage, Spinach and Mushroom Stromboli
{recipe to come}

{thanks for dinner, Mom!}


Honey Mustard Stir Fry
{recipe to come}

Rice Cooker Mac and Cheese
{quick and easy; we served it with steamed peas}

This week marks the start of Spring semester at the university where I teach.  I'm excited to get back in the classroom and interact with students in that capacity again!  This means that we'll be eating some quick and easy dinners this week as we adjust to a new schedule.

Brunch - Spinach Egg Bake {new], waffles with apples
D - Parmesan Crusted Chicken {new}, brown rice and steamed veggies

B - Waffles {freezer}
D - Broccoli Hotdish

B - Sweet Potato Baked Oatmeal {new}
D - Crockpot Minestrone Soup {new}, Italian Herb Bread

B - Leftovers
D - Mushroom Melt Skillet, Green Beans

B - Granola
D - Crockpot Broccoli Beef, Brown Rice

B - Orange Cranberry Muffins {freezer}
D - Pizza Night {using our favorite crust}

D - Chicken Chili or Italian Tortellini Stew {new}, bagel crisps

Desserts - TBD
Snacks - Spinach Dip, Carrots, Popcorn

I'm curious -- do you menu plan?  What's your system for serving your family dinner?



  1. this made me miss my best friend, we don't get to see each other much but when we do it's like nothing has changed. We've been best friends since 1st grade : ) your week looked really yummy as well! As for meal planning, I'm usually pretty good at meal planning for the day lol I've noticed when I do meal plan I usually change me mind that day anyway lol

  2. I do menu plan! and your plan looks wonderful. I try to get as many veggies in my family as possible, that's my biggest item about feeding my family, then also, trying to make sure my kids eat a variety of things.
    Have a great week.

  3. ooo That honey mustard stir fry looks really good. I'm looking forward to the recipe post.

  4. So great that you got to see your friend! How special :)

    I've been meaning to tell you...Nathan got me a Rice Cooker for Christmas and ever since I've been wanting to try your Mac and Cheese. Will be adding this to our menu plan soon!

  5. It all looks delicious! i want some of those bagel crisps!

    Just wanted to let you know, if you have any recipe that has hot sauce or buffalo wings sauce, send it over to me for Blogger Secret Ingredient BSI this week. I'm hosting and will do a round up next Sunday of all the recipes. It can be a past recipe as long as you include a link. More info on my blog!

  6. We do menu plan! It has saved time, money, and stress, lol.
    Recently, we have started eating our big meal in the middle of the day, then end the day with a light soup, salad, or sandwich.
    During this time, I have also changed how we serve. Instead of putting the whole meal on the table so you can serve yourself, I am plating the food in the kitchen, then bringing just the plates to the table. I have found it isn't so temping to grab another piece (or two or three) of cheesy garlic bread if the whole loaf isn't staring you in the face :)
    So far, both systems have worked VERY well for us...and our waist line :)

  7. Yay for meet-ups!

    We do menu plan. At first, we just had a list of meals that we could make. Now, we have specific meals for specific nights and I have to say that has curbed our eating out habit. Now we are tackling adding more veges to our meals - more greens, especially.

  8. I try to do a rough menu plan every two weeks. With working late and dinner invites, I don't commit to days of the week for each, but try and be sure there are enough dinners (and lunch leftovers) for the two weeks!

  9. Looks like a great week! I work full time and have four kids, so I find I have to be really organized (or risk having nothing on the table for dinner!).
    I have a 'rough' menu plan which I follow every week. I make different vegetable side dishes every night based on what's fresh and looks good at the supermarket. But the basic meals are the same formula each week.
    Sunday is homemade bread, soup and eggs.
    Monday is leftover soup, pasta for the kids, fish for me and hubbie.
    Tuesday is mix-it-up usually vegetarian night - whatever strikes my fancy - stir fried tofu, fish, beans, lentils.... Sometimes meatballs and spaghetti or burgers for the kids.
    Wednesday is roast chicken with roasted potatoes or root veggies.
    Thursday is pizza night. Yippee!
    Friday is chicken soup and roast chicken once again (we really like it!).
    Saturday is salad, dips, and pita.

    Great topic - love reading others' comments too!

  10. So glad that you got to see your best friend! :)

    Your recipes look great especially that brown rice bake!

  11. I do plan menus! It really helps me to not only save money, but stay on track!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.