Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 Ways to Use Zucchini

Zucchini, more commonly referred to as a weed in these parts, is a great summer produce item.  If you don’t grow it yourself, you can certainly find it at your local farmers market, and in your grocery store. 

Zucchini and summer squash may be used interchangeably, or together.  We happen to like zucchini and therefore grow it, so we have come up with a lot of creative ways to use it!

Here are our favorite 10 ways to use zucchini:

1. As a side dish.  We love simply sautéing zucchini to serve alongside dinner.  Sometimes we steam it and smother it in cheese and bacon bits!  Or, roast it.

2. As lasagna noodles. Roast the zucchini and you have some incredible noodles for your favorite lasagna recipe.  Want our favorite lasagna to use it in – this roasted vegetable lasagna is sure to be a hit!   It’s also excellent in zucchini parmesan

3. As a pizza crust. Not only do out GF friends love this pizza crust, but we do too!  One version uses zucchini and rice, the other, just plain old zucchini

4. In a pasta dish.  Who doesn’t love mac and cheese?  Zucchini mac and cheese takes this simple dish to a whole new level.  We also love a maple sausage zucchini pie, an Italian chicken pasta dish, a mixed roasted veggies and pasta dinner and this garden veggie shells dish.  Zucchini is kind of like tofu; it picks up the flavors of the dish, so it’s easy to toss it into just about anything. 

5. In waffles or pancakes. We love these crispy zucchini waffles, and this nearly carrot zucchini cake pancake!  Yum.  

6. In a savory, yeast bread. This bread makes an excellent sandwich bread, and fantastic garlic bread. 

7. In a sweet bread. Who doesn’t love zucchini bread?  If your kids don’t like seeing flecks of green in your bread, just peel the zucchini first and no one will be the wiser.  We love our applesauce-whole wheat zucchini bread, but also enjoy tossing in sweet potato puree and blueberries!  Or, add sweet cherries

8. In desserts. Two favorites stand out here – cinnamon zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting, and dark chocolate chip zucchini cake or cupcakes.  We’ve also used zucchini in a blueberry crisp!  Like carrot cake?  Toss zucchini in and you’ll love it even more.  Or, how about cookies.  Do it. 

9. With eggs. My 93-year-old grandmother shared with me my late grandfather’s favorite breakfast, named the Stanley Scramble.  Eggs, cheese, zucchini and ham.  Yum.  This garden veggie quiche is another great pairing with eggs. 

Zucchini, Ham, Eggs, and Cheese

10. As chips.  With zucchini being cheap and plentiful, dehydrate it into chips!  They are addicting. 

and, as a bonus:

  • Burgers!  Yep.  Don’t discount these zucchini burgers until you’ve tried ‘em!

How do you use your zucchini? 


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I am growing zucchini for the first time this year and this is an awesome reference. :)

    1. You are welcome! I hope you enjoy these recipes.

  2. Ahhh perfect timing since we have zucchini coming out of our ears!!! Although after looking at all these great recipes, I'm hoping I have enough to try them all!!! :<}

  3. Great ideas for zucchini! Mine will be coming on strong really soon so I love hearing what others are doing with them. I've dehydrated them, but never thought to eat them as chips! I'll have to try it...

  4. Our little guy won't eat ANY vegetables so we puree zucchini with cauliflower and hide it in things like mac and cheese, pizza sauce, etc.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.