Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crockpot Recipes

One kitchen gadget I absolutely love is my crockpot! Just this summer, I discovered you can made desserts, good desserts, in your crockpot. If you haven't tried it, think about it -- delicious desserts without heating up your kitchen!!


Not only are they great for desserts -- but they make a warm meal ready when I walk in the door after a long day. Over the past year, I've discovered that I can make healthy meals in the crockpot to feed my family without relying on the traditional "packaged" foods that go into many crockpot recipes (i.e., canned and dried soups, etc.).

As part of Lindsay's Nourishing Crockpot Carnival today, I'm highlighting the recipes you can find on this blog that I consider rather healthy and nourishing for our family:

Main Dishes

Crockpot Minestrone

Lucy's Amazing Chili

Crockpot Spaghetti Sauce

Crockpot Apple Bacon Pork Chops

Crockpot Autumn Pork

Crockpot Broccoli Beef

Crockpot Chicken Parmesan

Crockpot Honey Lime Chicken

Crockpot Lemon Herby Chicken

Crockpot Mushroom Pork

Crockpot Philly Cheese Steak

Crockpot Scalloped Potatoes and Ham

Crockpot Swiss Steak

Crockpot Ratatouille

Crockpot Zucchini Lasagna


Crockpot Apple Cake (which just happens to be fat free)

Crockpot Apple Cobbler

Crockpot Berry Cobbler

This post is also linked to:


  1. Those recipes look great. I've been very frustrated with my crock pot being too hot. From what I've read, all of them are like that now.

  2. Wow! You certainly know how to use a crockpot. I am impressed.

  3. These ALL look fantastic! I too use my crockpot quite a bit. It is a true lifesaver on some evenings! Thanks for posting!


  4. I really should stop looking at these recipes when I'm hungry...it would help with the drooling! I love your ideas and will save them. I've been trying to use my crockpot more lately, so this is a great resource. Thanks!

  5. I just love love love my crockpot. Well, actually ... I don't love MY crockpot, but I do love crockpotting. Mine is not very good actually. It cooks everything way too fast. But .. I am hoping to get a new one for Christmas that will be better.

  6. Do you have any recipes that are "freezer to crock pot" ones? Thanks!

    1. None of these are freezer-to-crockpot, but that's a great idea. Something I'll have to work on :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.